Thursday, January 31, 2013

Unhappy People

It's not unusual to get a call from someone who is unhappy with their current system and/or the place that they purchased their point of sale system from.  What is unusual is to get 5 calls in just a few days!  I though it would be helpful to pass along some advice if you are currently unhappy with your point of sale system and/or your point of sale dealer.

The most recent calls have been related to Retail Pro, POSitive POS, QuickBooks Point of Sale, and CounterPoint version 7.  Here is my advice when it comes to not being happy with your current point of sale system:

  • Make sure that you understand your system and what it can or can't do (whether that be via training,  users manuals, or online videos.  Many point of sale systems have 'hidden' functions and features that you may not be aware of).
  • Submit a request to the software manufacture - in some cases they may be planning to add a function or feature that you need.
  • Deal with a point of sale partner/dealer that offers multiple point of sale systems - that way they will not try and force a generic system to work in your business.
  • If you are truly unhappy, and your point of sale system is missing important functions/features, then reach out to a point of sale dealer with multiple system.  In most cases, your existing data (inventory information, customer information, and supplier/vendor information) can be transferred to a new point of sale system.  You may also be able to keep your existing computer equipment as well.
What if you are unhappy with your currently point of sale dealer/partner (I get a call about once a week or so from someone asking if I can help them since they are having problems or issues with their current point of sale dealer/partner).

  • Don't ever feel that you are stuck!  Each point of sale software manufacture has a policy or procedure allowing you to switch to a different  dealer/partner.  You may have to fill out a basic form or send in a quick email but you can quickly 'fire' the company that you are currently working with and 'hire' a new one.  Be sure to contact your software manufacture directly so they can assist you.
  • Should your situation include both the wrong solution and a less-than-helpful point of sale dealer/partner, contact me or another national point of sale dealer that offers multiple solutions. We can easily talk about specific options available to you.
Are you in the US and in need of no cost retail point of sale advice? I'm happy to help and can be reached on my cell at 208-340-5632 (mountain time) or via email at


  1. Any information on AccuPos and what their feedback is like?

  2. Hi Karla - the website with the most reviews (that didn't appear to be sponsored or from very upset customers) gave AccuPOS a 2 out of 5 star rating (below average). You can read all of the end user reviews at:

    I hope that helps - let me know if you have other questions.
