Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Changing Button Sizes in RMS and NCR CounterPoint

One nice feature within the Microsoft RMS Store Operations and NCR CounterPoint point of sale software programs are the ability to adjust the size of the buttons on the point of sale screen.  This is helpful not only to adjust for the size of the monitor that you are using but also for eyesight as well.

From the Microsoft RMS Point of Sale screen press “Shift” + “F6”. Under the “Transaction Screen” tab you can adjust the size of the functions keys at the bottom of the point of sale screen by typing in a percentage that works best for you. Note that this is a global setting so changes that you make are applied directly to the software itself.


NCR CounterPoint users can select “Setup”, then “System”, then “User Preferences”. The “Main” tab allows you to set multiple options related to the buttons.  Note that this is a user by user setting in CounterPoint so changes that you make are only applied to that specific users preferences.

Are you in the US and in need of no cost retail point of sale advice? I'm happy to help and can be reached on my cell at 208-340-5632 (mountain time) or via email at kevinantosh@gmail.com.

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