Sunday, July 9, 2017

Free On Site Consulting - well kind of free

So, I have some vacation time coming up in a few weeks but no real vacation plans at this point so I'm making this offer on a first come first serve basis: I'll waive our normally hourly rate for onsite retail point of sale consulting services. All that needs to be covered are my actual travel expenses.

Who is this best suited for?
Small to mid sized chain retailers with between 4 and 400 locations who either want to get the most out of their existing point of sale system or are searching for a new/replacement point of sale system.

What locations?
Geographically, the following areas are the easiest for me to travel to and I've been to in the past as well:
  • All of Idaho
  • All of Utah
  • Western Wyoming
  • Western Oregon
  • Seattle, WA area
  • Portland, OR area
  • Reno, NV
  • Los Vegas, AZ
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Tuscon, AZ
  • Portland, OR
  • Las Angeles, CA
  • Sacramento, CA
  • San Jose, CA
  • Denver, CO
  • All of Texas
  • Lincoln, NE
  • Omaha, NE
  • All of MN
  • All of WI
  • Other?  I'm not limited to just the locations listed above.
What sort of services can be provided?
No actual technical or programming work but instead a focus on the following:
  • Process analysis and documentation
  • Budgeting for a new or replacement POS system
  • Options for Microsoft Dynamics RMS/HQ users
  • Creating a wish list for a new or replacement POS system
  • Solution comparison
  • RFP/RFQ/RFI Creation
How many days would you be onsite?
I'm very flexible here but I'm normally onsite for at least 2 business days all the way up to 5 business days..

Whats the cost?
Actual travel expenses - best estimate is $1000 to $1800. Terms are 50% down and remainder due upon completion of the onsite visit.

What's the dollar value?
Our normal hourly rate at RITE is $90 to $125/hour so even 25 hours of onsite consulting would normally run $2400.

What's are the non-monetary benefits?
This will depend greatly on your goals but some common past outcomes have been:
  • Labor cost savings via
    • Increased efficiency
    • better understand of what is needed in a POS system
    • Process documentation
    • Reduced research time 
  • Having an "expert" onsite to help coordinate steps to obtain goals and objectives
  • Using pre-existing documentation versus creating your own documentation
  • Full understanding of all options that are available
  • Q and A style assistance for multiple goals and objectives
Do we get our money back if not happy or if we purchase something from RITE?
  • I would not come onsite unless we both agreed that my time would be beneficial and my skill set matches your goals and objectives.
  • If you happen to purchase a POS system (Cloud Retailer, Retail Management Hero, or Microsoft Dynamics 365) from RITE "down the road", the travel costs would be applied as a discount towards the total purchase price.
Next Step if Interested:
Call (208-340-5632) or email ( me so we can have a general conversation about your goals and to ensure that my skill set would be beneficial to you.

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