Update July 2016, Retail Management Hero (version 3.X of RMS) demo and overview: http://retailpospondering.blogspot.com/2016/07/new-version-of-rmsretail-management.html
Updated information on Retail Management Hero as a direct replacement for RMS as of December 3rd, 2015: http://retailpospondering.blogspot.com/2015/12/updated-information-on-new-retail.html
New video discussing options for Dynamics RMS and HQ users as of December 5th, 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evVWS7dj0Bs
As you might be seeing some conflicting information related to the status of the Miscosoft Dynamics Retail Management Systems (RMS) and Dynamics Headquarters (HQ) point of sale programs, here are the links to the end of life dates for these programs right on the Microsoft web site:
For RMS: http://support2.microsoft.com/lifecycle/default.aspx?LN=en-us&x=7&y=14&p1=12198
For HQ: http://support2.microsoft.com/lifecycle/default.aspx?LN=en-us&x=5&y=13&p1=12218
And here is a link to an explanation of what the various lifecycle terms mean: http://support.microsoft.com/gp/LifeBizSolFAQ
- RMS and HQ will no longer be sold to new customers after July 2016
- Any product enhancements, updates, fixes, or compliance updates will only be available to users who maintain a paid annual maintenance agreement (your Microsoft Dynamics Partner can provide information on costs - normally the annual fee is around 18% of your initial license cost so if you originally spent $2800 on software license fees then your annual maintenance agreement cost would be 18% of $2800 or $504/year)
- If you currently use RMS and/or HQ and are current on your annual maintenance agreement then you have the option to keep using RMS/HQ as long as you stay current on your annual maintenance agreement. I would personally recommend looking at other point of sale solutions instead of continuing to invest in a point of sale system that is end of life.
- If you are currently using RMS and/or HQ and are not current on your annual maintenance agreement then you need to explore switching to other point of sale solutions or you need to contact your Microsoft Dynamics Partner to see what the backdate/lapse fee is to bring your annual maintenance agreement current. For example, if you originally spent $2800 on software licenses but have not renewed your annual maintenance agreement in 3 years then you would be looking at spending $1512 (estimate only) to bring your annual maintenance agreement current. While you could technically continue using RMS/HQ without a maintenance agreement, it is extremely likely that some sort of compliance or technology shift will occur (EMV anyone? ) that will render RMS/HQ unusable without incurring significant costs (to the point that you will be spending nearly the same amount as the original cost of the software licensing). You also have to keep in mind that updating the RMS/HQ software may also render other hardware to be in need of updating (based on real world experience this ends up having a snowball effect and suddenly you are looking at spending $5,000+ to update an outdated point of sale system).
- If you are searching for your first point of sale system then I would strongly advise against purchasing RMS and/or HQ. As much as I have found RMS and HQ to be amazing point of sale solutions, I would never recommend investing in something that is 'end of life' - especially with EMV coming up in October of this year (2015).
Are you in the US and in need of no cost retail point of sale advice? I'm happy to help and can be reached on my cell at 208-340-5632 (I am on Mountain Time) or via email at kevinantosh@gmail.com. There is also a contact form to the right that can be used to reach me.
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