Monday, April 13, 2020

Covid Tips From Fellow Retailers

It is no secret that most non-essential retailers are closed to walk in customers. Here are some tips on staying busy, creative selling, and planning for re-opening that retailers have shared with me over the last 3 weeks:
  1. Performing physical inventory counts
  2. Deep dive in to what inventory is selling and not selling
  3. Posting one product a day on Facebook and offering free delivery (one retailer is even posting display items in an effort to sell existing product)
  4. Deep cleaning the store
  5. Looking at RMS replacement programs
  6. Applying for PPP, disaster loans, etc as part of the CARES act
  7. Replacing old computer hardware
  8. Looking at adding e-commerce and BOPIS (some just want this short term and others are planning to add this long term)
  9. Offering gift card promotions (eg: buy $50 in gift cards and receive an additional $5 gift card)
  10. Changing product mix (focus on health and safety products)
  11. Creative promotions (free role of TP with every gift card purchase)
  12. Bringing in the next generation of store owners for some retail operations training (for when the owners retire and hand over the keys to their children)
  13. Rearranging the store to accommodate social distancing (including taping 6 foot marks at checkout)
  14. Purchasing face coverings and gloves for all employees (some states, like Colorado, are mandating this for all essential workers)
  15. Deciding to move the business online permanently and close the physical location
  16. Putting a simple product inquiry form on their website and offering delivery/shipping
Do you have a tip to share? Please contact me at 208-340-5632 or

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