Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Power of Social Media

Wow - I know that I have traveled and met with a lot of retailers over the last couple of years - this is quite the list of new clients!  I'm also including those of you who just needed some basic advice or support that did not require a site visit.

New Clients by State (western states):
AK: 2
HI: 1
WA: 7
OR: 5
CA: 5
AZ: 2
NV: 2
NM: 1
UT: 3
ID: 9
MT: 1
WY: 0
CO: 6
OK: 2
TX: 7
AR: 2
LA: 2

Interested in joining the list? Have general retail point of sale questions? Please contact me at 208-340-5632 or kevinantosh@gmail.com

As for how well social media works:

Since 2013, this blog site and YouTube Channel have had 406,768 unique visitors of which 1064 (2.6%) of you have contacted me. Estimated spend by blog site and YouTube Channel visitors is $6,384,000 since 2013 - not a bad ROI considering that social media is a time investment and actual monetary cost is around $10/year.

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