Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Goodwill POS Meeting Updates

I've had the opportunity to speak with a couple more regional Goodwill's about their POS plans - a summary appears below.
  • Generally, all Goodwill's are still dealing with tight technology budgets but realize that outdated technology costs them more money in the long run via break/fix hardware costs, excessive labor costs for manual processes that could be automated, and employee errors due to using older technology.
  • When looking for a new POS system, major consideration has to be given specific to whether their new POS system "wish list" includes features like production tracking and donor tracking.
  • Consultants are proving to be very helping in identifying areas that a new POS system could increase revenue, reduce labor costs, and reduce employee errors.
Now, since y'all don't like it when I share your location information in too much detail, here are the Goodwill's that I have spoke with recently (or consulted with), what POS system they currently use, and what they plan on doing about their older POS system.
  1. Southern US - Using Microsoft RMS/HQ - general discussions to replace in 2021 but no formal plan yet.
  2. Southeastern US - Using Microsoft RMS/HQ - general discussions to replace RMS in 2021 - have looked at Retail Management Hero and Cloud Retailer - no formal plan yet.
  3. Midwest - Using custom POS system - no plans to replace
  4. Southwestern US - Using PC America - RFP is presently out to narrow down search for a new POS.
  5. Rocky Mountain - Using NCR CounterPoint - no plans to switch away
  6. Northeastern US - Using NCR CounterPoint - no plans to switch away
  7. Southern West Coast - Using Microsoft RMS/HQ - starting searching for RMS replacement
  8. Pacific Northwest - Using Microsoft RMS/HQ - started search for RMS replacement by looking at Retail Management Hero and Cloud Retailer - budget limitations mean using RMS through at least 2020
  9. Pacific Northwest - Using Microsoft RMS/HQ - have not started looking at RMS replacement options
  10. Pacific Northwest - Using Microsoft RMS/HQ - have not started looking at RMS replacement options
  11. Northern Rock Mountains - Using NCR CounterPoint - no plans to replace CounterPoint at this time.
If you would like more details about the consulting that I have done for Goodwill Industries, or just have general thrift store point of sale questions,  please contact me at or 208-340-5632. Thanks!

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