Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Things Missing from Retail Management Hero

As I have delved deeper in to the new version of the Microsoft RMS point of sale software - now re-branded under the new Retail Management Hero (RMH) name - I have come across some things presently missing from RMH that RMS could do.  Some of these missing features/functions may be in future releases of RMH or available as add-on's:
  • No accounting G/L interface (this is planned for future released - now included as of Q1 2017)
  • No timeclock function (will be available for free via a specific RMH Partner by Q4 2016)*
  • No macro's or assignable hot-keys (no macros at all - custom buttons will be available shortly)
  • Gift Card sale, tracking, and redemption appears to be incomplete (now included as of Q1 2017)
  • No in-program help screen option 
  • Detail of security settings has changed to role based security - still very detailed but not as extreme as what RMS offered in the "security mode"
  • Very limited choices for internal credit and debit card processing. This will be expanded via a specific RMH Partner by Q3 of 2017.*
*Means that you will likely have to purchase your RMH point of sale system from the vendor to receive these features or pay more if not buying RMH from this vendor. Expect more details by October 2016.

How to obtain a 30 day trial version of Retail Management Hero:

I'll keep updating the list as I uncover anything else. You can always contact me for no-cost retail point of sale advice at 208-340-5632 or

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