Monday, March 17, 2014

What Retailers Are Searching For

I know that I have shared various statics from organizations like the National Retail Federation in past posts but also wanted to pass along some interesting statics from this blog site.

The most popular posts on this blog site are the product reviews. If the statics are accurate then...
  • 76% of you are searching for Windows based point of sale system (and more of you are searching for Microsoft RMS than all other point of sale software programs combined!).
  • 13% of you are searching for an electronic cash register
  • 11% of you are searching for a tablet based point of sale system
The only reason I share this, is that the industry is telling us that the split between tablet based point of sale systems and computer based point of sale systems should be nearly 50/50.

Note that this information applies just to specialty retail stores as I am not tracking the restaurant related information.

Another thought is that I know of several new point of sale systems that will be coming on the market over the next few months and they are all tablet based (I'll be reviewing one of them in detail as it offers features that rival computer based point of sale systems while maintaining the affordable pricing that a tablet based point of sale system can offer).

Update 3.April.2014:

51.1% Traditional
43.3% Tablet
5.6% ECR (Electronic Cash Register)

Are you in the US and in need of no cost retail point of sale advice? I'm happy to help and can be reached on my cell at 208-340-5632 (mountain time) or via email at

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