Monday, July 28, 2014

Discounts and Promotions for Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management Systems (RMS) Users

Update June 28th, 2015 - special discount and incentive from a national NCR CounterPoint Partner for RMS and HQ users:

Hello to the 40,000+ users of the Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management Systems (RMS)   Through some careful conversations, I have been able to obtain commitments from several trusted and established point of sale companies offering some very significant discounts on point of sale software and hardware.  These discounts and various promotions apply if:
  • Your business is in the United States
  • You are currently using the RMS point of sale program in your business
  • You are:
    • Looking to upgrade or refresh RMS
    • Looking to replace RMS with a similar point of sale solutions
    • Looking to replace RMS with a completely different point of sale solution 
To give you an idea - these promotions and discounts are worth anywhere from $1500 to $5000 depending on what you need in terms of software, hardware, and labor.

Best advice is to contact me and we can chat more. As always, my advice is completely free. These discounts and promotions will end at some point.  You can use the "contact me" form to the right, email me at or reach me on my cell at 208.340.5632.

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