Tuesday, September 10, 2019


I really enjoy these types of posts!  A quick shout out to the following retailers that I am helping with new point of sale equipment:
  1. Smokin' Willy's in Washington State: Replacing Microsoft RMS with Cloud Retailer at all store locations
  2. Asia Grocery in Kansas: Replacing Revel with Cloud Retailer
  3. Good Stuff in Louisiana: RMS Maintenance Agreement
  4. Mary Janes House of Glass: Replacing Microsoft RMS and HQ with Cloud Retailer at all store locations.
  5. Point Liquor in Texas: RMS/HQ Maintenance Agreement for all store locations as well as some new hardware
I enjoy working with all of you! If you would like to learn more about why these retailers are working with me, please contact me at kevinantosh@gmail.com or 208-340-5632.

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