Monday, November 13, 2017

Microsoft Dynamics RMS Hotfix List

I've posted about all the hot fix, version, and cumulative updates to the Microsoft Dynamics RMS point of sale software in the past but here is information specific to 2015-2017. You will need an active CustomerSource account to access these hot fixes or help from a Microsoft Dynamics RMS Partner. If you are in need of a Microsoft Dynamics RMS Partner then please contact me at 208-340-5632 or

Number/​Date Issue Summary Build
Hotfix #60

  • The following error occurs when trying to backup an RMS 2.0 database on Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 when using SQL 2012 R2: 
    Backup failed for server 'server name'.
  • ​A join to the [Transaction] table has been added to the Accounts Receivable report to allow for the report to be customized to display additional columns.
Hotfix #59

  • When you try to settle a payment connector EDC transaction you receive the following error message. This is caused by a transaction being settled in Dynamics Online Payment Services but not in RMS. This fix settles all possible transactions to help narrow down the issue. 
    Error: Payment card number is required.
  • ​After you disable the "Allowed to change tax status" cashier permission in Store Operation Manager, cashiers can still change the tax status in Store Operations POS.
  • The "Hide items with no discrepancies" button on the Physical Inventory Discrepancy form isn't available if the button is disabled for users who have a different security level in Store Operations Manager.
Hotfix #58

  • ​When you tender a recalled credit card transaction for return, in Store Operations POS, the card is charged and not refunded if you are using Microsoft Dynamics Online Payment Processing.
  • When you use a Gasoline item after you install hotfix KB2991974, you receive the following error message:
"Validation Error 311: The amount for this tender cannot exceed the purchase amount."​
Hotfix #57

  • When you return an item with a $0.00 price in Store Operations POS, you receive the following error message: "Runtime error '3021': Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted."
    In Store Operations Manager, when you use the Dynamics Online Payment Connector for payment processing, the Electronic Draft Capture Detailed report shows returns with a status of open. 
    In Store Operations Manager, when you use Preferred Acquirer for payment processing, the Electronic Draft Capture Detailed report shows returns with a status of open.
Hotfix #56

  • New warning messages are introduced to help prevent entry of incorrect database configuration settings in Headquarters Client. After Hotfix #54 was installed, the message displayed would not allow you to process a voucher until the settings were fixed. This fix allows the cashier to continue with the mismatched settings.
    Note This hotfix rolls back a previous change that required registry settings to be updated manually. Any registry settings that have already been entered do not have to be removed.
Hotfix #55

  • When you close Store Operations POS, the SOPOSUSER.exe service does not stop. This causes a problem when you try to reopen Store Operations POS. When you double-click to reopen Store Operations POS, nothing happens. To have Store Operations POS opened, you have to go into the Windows Task Manager, and then manually stop the SOPOSUSER.exe process first.Adds a new Dynamics Online Payment Services Electronic Draft Capture report in Store Operations Manager. Note This resembles the previously available report when you use TSYS.
Hotfix #54

  • When security is enable to prevent a cashier for editing a Purchase Order in Store Operations Manager, cashiers who have the right to edit a Purchase Order are also unable to edit a Purchase Order.
  • When you try to tender a transaction with a global voucher, you receive the following warning message in Store Operations POS:
The voucher sale cannot be completed because Voucher Client is not configured with the correct store database. To proceed with this sale without the voucher, void the voucher line item.
  • When you are working on an order, the Add Items item list in the Purchase Order, Inventory Transfer In, or Inventory Transfer Out window periodically updates and moves the pointer focus to the top of the list. ​
Hotfix #53

  • When you add a sale schedule to a Matrix Code in Store Operations Manager, the sale is not enabled for the corresponding component items. 
    You must settle transactions before making changes to your Payment Connector configuration. 

    You must settle transactions before making changes to your Payment Connector configuration. 

    When you try to add details to a transaction or set multiple quantities per line item in Store Operations POS, you receive the following error message: 
    Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set.​
  • When you have unsettled electronic draft capture (EDC) transactions in a database, you can switch between Test Mode and Production Mode in the Store Operations Administrator Dynamics Payment Connector window. After you apply this hotfix, if there are unsettled EDC transactions in the database, the following warning message will be displayed when you try to save changes in the Dynamics Payment Connector window: 
​​​Hotfix #52


  • You receive the following message when you try to tender a transaction with more than one tender type: “The change tender cannot be determined. Adjust tendered amounts as needed.”

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