While a cash register would work, many of you are under strict reporting requirements as well as various tax collecting and reporting requirements so I generally recommend looking at the tablet or mobile type of point of sale systems for tracking sales and inventory. An added bonus is that the tablet systems also allow for various security levels to be setup to prevent employees from giving discounts to friends or family.
Some of the tablet or mobile point of sale systems also include customer loyalty programs and the ability to print scanable barcode labels.
When looking at the various solutions, be sure to keep the following in mind:
- If you sell by weight then make sure the system will work with a scale or allow for a price calculation based on weight.
- Depending on how taxes are collected, make sure that the system can handle multiple taxes as well as provide a break down of various taxes collected.
- If your state allows you to accept credit and debit cards for payment from customers, then make sure that the system will work with the place that handles your debit and credit card processing services (commonly referred to as "merchant services"). This is important as not all merchant services companies will provide credit and debit card processing services to business that sell marijuana.
- Don't forget to ask about EMV compliance. No sense buying something now only to have to spending more money in 2015 to be EVM compliant.
- Ask for references of businesses like your already using the point of sale system that you are considering and contact those businesses or visit in person if possible.
Be sure to contact me if you have any questions. I can't sell you anything but I am keeping tabs on which systems have proven to be popular with retail stores selling Marijuana of which I know that Bindo POS has proven to be very popular in the state of California. More reviews on Bindo POS can be found here: https://bindopos.com/reviews
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