Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ada Cash Register

As you know it can be tough to find a local company that sells, services, programs, and offers supplies for cash registers so I wanted to pass along some information about Ada Cash Register.

Ada Cash Register is based in Boise, ID and offers the Sam4S line of cash registers as well as being able to service and offer supplies for many different kinds of cash registers. Rick Bier is the owner and he has many years of cash register sales, service, and programming experience.

Ada Cash Register also offers paper and ribbon supplies for cash registers as well as for the common receipt printers used with computer based retail point of sale systems.

As DirectPOS in Boise, ID and Spokane, WA is no longer offering cash registers, cash register repair/programming, or cash register supplies, I would highly recommend getting in touch with Rick Bier at Ada Cash Register - he even rents cash registers for short term special events!

Rick can be reached at 208-407-2202 or rick (at) rbier (dot) us

You can also find him on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/adacashregister

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