Sunday, April 27, 2014

Microsoft RMS Store Operations Update

A quick reminder that sales of Microsoft Dynamics RMS and HQ to new users as well as mainstream support ends next year (2016) so please keep that in mind if you are thinking of purchasing RMS or HQ as point of sale software for your business or organization (not a wise investment at this point).

Update 28.June.2015 - special discount and incentive from a national NCR CounterPoint Partner for RMS and HQ users:

Quick update - I have mentioned that there are 40,000 users of the Microsoft Dynamics RMS Store Operations point of sale software - the actual number is 60,000.

So, the conference has ended and Microsoft made public their plans for the RMS POS software. The good news is that some of you will be eligible for some new software while others will need to invest in a new solution.

Since I have worked with nearly 500 stores and museums across the country that use the RMS solution, I will be doing my best to contact each of you to explain your options. Any and all RMS users are also welcomed to contact me at or 208-340-5632 for free advice on your different options. I will break things down in to two different scenarios:

Currently using RMS but Not Current on an Annual Maintenance Agreement:

  • Support for RMS will end in July of 2016 (no word on whether RMS will be updated for the EMV requirements coming up in 2015).
  • With no maintenance agreement, you need to consider the following options:
    • renewing your maintenance agreement
    • explore investing in a different point of sale solution
Currently Using RMS and Current on your Annual Maintenance Agreement:
  • If you are happy with your system then keep running as normal - you will be eligible for an equal numbers of licenses for newer point of sale software from Microsoft (but will still have to likely invest in costs related to labor and possible replacement hardware and peripherals).
  • If you have been thinking about upgrading, then it is a good time to look at other POS solutions on the market - you can always contact me for some free general advice.
Bottom Line: there is no sense of urgency at this point but it would be good to start looking at your options and have a plan in place before things get busy this fall.

Here is a link to a great article summarizing Microsoft's announcement related to RMS: 

Again, I can be reached at or 208-340-5632 if you want some free advice related to your specific situation.

Note to those of you needing to renew your annual maintenance agreement and/or need help with your RMS solution: I have a meeting with a national RMS Partner in a few weeks and hopefully they will be able to offer some more detailed options after we meet.  

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